Grupo de Integración Digital SA de CV (GID) was established in México City servicing the financial and corporate markets in the Metro area. The company´s objectives were aimed to provide a high-quality service to allow customers to dedicate their main efforts towards achieving their specific goals.

“The company installed a high-quality customer service philosophy”


The company installed a complete outsourcing customer service which covered their requirements such as:

“The company began a dedicated HR outsourcing customer service”



The company designed additional support for its corporate customers to comply with their digital technology-based applications and formed a strong commercial team with them. It also introduced the concept of SaaS to support all digital (IM/IT) customer´s needs such as databases, electronic repositories and electronic publishing on real time. “SaaS was the path away from obsolescence”


The company´s software department was established to enhance all what was done up to that year. New ongoing reliable applications were developed for:

New quality programs gave the company the ability to share with its customers the benefits of global markets. Since then, high quality products and services had been an ongoing philosophy. There was a movement from local sales to international global markets with an aggressive plan to export more than 80% of the production in the following two years. “The Digital Concept was introduced by the company to enhance its services’ portfolio”



GID launched into production new digital applications:

  • CD ROM, with a PDF application
  • On line book (webbook), a web-based publishing tool
  • E1 lines for VPN connections and web hosted applications
Document management systems, electronic repositories, fulfillment services and electronic file transmissions provided high efficiency.

“Information Management became a key player to fulfill GRUPO´s customers’ needs”


GID becomes a Business Solution provider by expanding its services to include Human Resources capabilities and provide first hand solutions to its customers. With our growing knowledge on the industry our company begins offering engineering related services such as project management, project consulting, contractual management services, operation and maintenance services, within others.



The company´s digital printing department equipment was upgraded.

GID developed new digitization projects from simple document scanning up to complex data bases.

The concept of .NET applications was developed as well as a production e-tool where all production could be monitored remotely.

“Information in real time... data you can trust”


GID began developing mobile applications to reduce redundant operations. Customers could be handling information on real time. New applications meant an increase in customers and Global sales. During this year we were able to have 92% of our production exported.


2009 - 2014

Development team successfully built and deployed dozens of web applications for numerous teams across heavy-duty businesses also streamlined and automated many of our customers processes. The company continued its journey and growth in providing Engineering based services and became a key asset to several of our global customers.


GID opens an engineering consulting firm. Focused on heavy duty industries. Our company concentrates on process optimization and industrial security.



The company´s software line covers Information Management (IM) robust applications designed to support stage and production DB, to real time data applications and mobile applications to control production processes. High technology dashboards to collect and use real time data on the field, and Tech Apps to input and output crucial field data. By the same token, new communication technology and more efficient and tailored-made customer-oriented applications will bring the sole opportunity to have better and high-end business with a real win/win philosophy.

The company introduces GID Power to the market as an energy consulting firm. GID Power creates energy optimization studies, and advices customers on how to better their electric efficiency.


GID becomes a GE Predix developer partner and begins programming under this technology.

GID Power enters the Mexican electric market as private electric generator focused in providing energy via renewable and green alternatives.